Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SGA Beat 8/26

Following the Fall Retreat, the Student Government is looking to enter the year with a bang. During the retreat, it was decided that the main focus of this year was governance, particularly reaching out to students so that their voices would be heard by faculty and administration. Using the tagline "Speak up: Let Your Voice Be Heard", the current goal to approach the topic of consolidation is to work closely with SGA officers at Southern Polytechnic to establish one consolidated Student Government.  This includes the students at Southern Polytechnic as well, as the KSU SGA is currently creating a governance document for the new consolidated SGA. This document will be submitted by Sept. 30, so all students even the new up and coming ones will be represented.

The SGA also would like to notify students of the new tobacco policy administered by the Board of Regents that all tobacco products are not permitted on any University system of Georgia campuses. The ruling will be in effect on Oct. 1st. In addition to implementing this new policy, KSU has developed a "Breathe Easy" campaign that will promote healthy lifestyles for all students. Guest speakers will also be invited around this time to speak at general body meetings to discuss the policy and implementation. Rachel Martini said the dates for the sepakers will be determined soon.

The first Student Government meeting of the Fall Semester is August 28th at 3:30 p.m. in the University Rooms. Be there to show your support and raise any concerns you may have.

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